How Much Are School Fees in South Africa? A Parent’s Guide

Navigating the world of school fees in South Africa can feel a bit like solving a complex puzzle. With a range of options from public to private and boarding schools, each offers a distinct educational pathway with its own price tag.

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Rising Costs: From 2024 onwards, education costs in South Africa will continue to outpace salary inflation, growing by 2.5% to 3% annually above the Consumer Price Index.

Public vs. Private School Fees: By 2030, expect to pay around R41,900 for public primary and R61,900 for public high school annually. Private schools will cost approximately R122,600 for primary and R180,100 for high school.

Long-Term Expense: For a child starting Grade 1 in 2023, the total cost of schooling through high school can range from over R651,313 in public schools to R1,901,549 in private schools.

Education Inflation: Education costs are projected to increase by 8% per year, significantly impacting the future financial planning for education.

Future School Fees: By 2038, a year at a public high school could cost R114,500, while private high school fees might reach R333,400.

University Costs: The cost for one year of university is expected to rise from R55,900 in 2023 to R177,1200 by 2038.

Financial Planning Essential: These projections highlight the importance of early and effective financial planning for children’s education.

Significant Investment: The data underscores education as a major investment, with costs spanning from primary through to high school education.

Let’s streamline those facts into a concise table, focusing on the costs from 2024 onwards, based on the education inflation projections provided by Old Mutual:

Education Level2024 (Estimated)2030 (Estimated)2035 (Estimated)2038 (Estimated)
Public Primary SchoolR26,460R41,900R61,500R77,500
Public High SchoolR39,028R61,900R90,900R114,500
Private Primary SchoolR77,220R122,600R180,100R226,800
Private High SchoolR113,508R180,100R264,700R333,400
University (One Year)R60,372R95,700R140,700R177,200


  • These amounts are estimated based on an 8% education inflation rate per year.
  • Costs are rounded to the nearest hundred for simplicity.
  • The table starts from 2024 to align with your request for forward-looking data.
  • The primary school costs cover Grades 1 to 7 and exclude pre-primary.
  • University costs represent one year of an undergraduate degree.

This table simplifies the forecasted costs of education in South Africa, making it clear how expenses are expected to rise over time.

How Much Are School Fees in South Africa?

Let’s break it down to give you a clearer picture of what you can expect to budget for your child’s education.

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Public Primary Schools

Public primary schools offer an essential entry point into education for children, being the most accessible option for a wide range of families across South Africa. The cost of attending these schools can vary quite a bit, depending on where you live and the specific resources or facilities the school offers.

What Costs to Expect

  • Range of Fees: Generally, parents might expect to pay anywhere from R1,500 to R7,500 per year for a public primary school. This range is quite broad and depends on various factors, including the school’s location and the level of government support it receives.
  • Impact of Location: Schools in more affluent areas might have higher fees due to additional programs or facilities they offer. Conversely, schools in less affluent areas might have lower fees, sometimes even less than R1,500, thanks to government subsidies designed to make education accessible to all.
  • Looking Ahead: Given the expected rise in education costs (as shown in the table with projections up to 2038), these figures are likely to increase. Even with an 8% annual inflation rate in education costs, public primary schools will remain a relatively affordable option compared to private schooling. However, parents should anticipate these fees to gradually rise over the years.

Public Secondary Schools

Public secondary schools, serving grades 8 through 12, are designed to offer a more advanced level of education, preparing students for university or vocational training. With this advanced level comes a need for more resources, specialized teachers, and facilities, which is reflected in the higher fees compared to primary education.

What Costs to Expect

  • Range of Fees: Parents should anticipate annual fees ranging between R3,000 and R12,000 for public secondary schools. This range is broader because it accounts for the enhanced educational offerings and resources needed for older students.
  • Influence of Location and Amenities: Much like with primary schools, the cost of attending a public secondary school can vary widely depending on its location. Schools in more affluent areas or those offering extra amenities—like advanced science labs or extracurricular programs—might be at the higher end of this range. Conversely, schools in less affluent areas might have fees on the lower end, partly due to government efforts to ensure education remains accessible.

Looking Ahead

Given the projections for rising education costs, the fees for public secondary schools are also expected to increase over the years. The table shared earlier outlines how these costs are projected to grow significantly, reaching upwards of R114,500 by 2038 for public high schools. While these numbers are a future projection, they highlight the importance of planning for these expenses now.

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Planning for the Future

For parents of younger children or those soon entering secondary education, understanding these potential costs is crucial for financial planning. Starting a savings plan early can help mitigate the impact of these rising fees, ensuring you’re prepared when the time comes.

The Role of Government Subsidies

Government subsidies continue to play a vital role in keeping public education accessible at the secondary level, especially in areas where families might struggle with higher fees. These subsidies aim to balance out the cost, ensuring all students have access to quality education regardless of their financial background.

Private Primary Schools

Private schools provide an environment that can be highly beneficial for students, with a focus on individual learning experiences and often state-of-the-art facilities. This personalized education model, however, comes with a substantially higher cost.

What Costs to Expect

  • Range of Fees: For private primary education, the annual fees can span from R20,000 to an eye-watering R100,000. This wide range reflects not just the quality of education but also the prestige of the school, the caliber of its facilities, and the depth of its educational programs.
  • Factors Influencing Costs: The variation in fees among private schools can be attributed to several factors:
    • Prestige: Schools with a long history of academic excellence and alumni success often charge more.
    • Facilities: Institutions offering cutting-edge science labs, art studios, sports facilities, and other amenities tend to have higher fees.
    • Educational Programs: Schools with a wide array of extracurricular options, advanced academic courses, and international baccalaureate programs might also fall at the higher end of the fee spectrum.

Planning for the Future

Given the projections for rising education costs, it’s reasonable to expect that fees for private education will continue to increase over time. The table outlining future education costs highlights this trend, showing significant growth expected in the fees for private primary and high schools.

For parents considering private education for their children, it’s crucial to start financial planning as early as possible. Understanding the current fee structure and projecting future increases can help in creating a savings plan that accommodates these substantial costs.

Private Secondary Schools

Private secondary schools are renowned for their comprehensive educational programs, exceptional facilities, and a focus on individual student growth. These factors contribute to a learning environment designed to prepare students for success in university and future careers.

What Costs to Expect

  • Range of Fees: Parents can anticipate annual fees ranging from R30,000 to over R200,000 for private secondary education. This range is indicative of the premium facilities, extensive curricular and extracurricular programs, and personalized attention students receive.
  • Influencing Factors: Several key aspects influence the cost of private secondary education:
    • Facilities: Many private secondary schools offer state-of-the-art facilities, including science laboratories, art studios, and sports complexes.
    • Curriculum: A broad and diverse curriculum, often including international qualifications like the IB diploma, adds to the educational value and cost.
    • University Preparation: A strong emphasis on preparing students for university through advanced placement courses, career counseling, and university placement services can also elevate fees.
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Planning for the Future

Given the expected rise in education costs, the fees for private secondary education are likely to increase substantially in the coming years. This emphasizes the importance of early and strategic financial planning for parents who choose this path for their children’s education.

Boarding Schools

Boarding schools charge fees that cover not just the academic instruction but also the student’s accommodation and meals. The comprehensive nature of the services provided justifies the premium cost associated with boarding schools.

What Costs to Expect

  • Range of Fees: Annual fees for boarding schools can range from R50,000 to over R300,000. This wide range is due to the varying levels of facilities, programs, and prestige among boarding schools.
  • Inclusive Costs: The fees generally cover:
    • Tuition: The cost of the academic program, including classes, extracurricular activities, and often, access to specialized resources and facilities.
    • Accommodation: The cost of housing on campus, including the maintenance of dormitories or boarding houses.
    • Meals: Full board in terms of meals, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sometimes snacks, ensuring students are well-fed throughout their stay.
  • Additional Costs: Beyond the basics, there can be extra costs associated with boarding schools, such as:
    • Uniforms and Equipment: Many boarding schools have specific dress codes and require uniforms, sports gear, or special equipment for classes.
    • Extracurricular Activities: While many activities are included, some specialized programs or trips may incur additional fees.
    • Personal Expenses: Pocket money for personal needs, outings, or small purchases while on campus.

Planning for the Future

With the expected increase in education costs, the fees for boarding schools are also likely to rise. Parents considering this option need to plan financially for the long term, factoring in not just the basic fees but also the potential additional costs.

Wrapping Up

It’s clear that school fees in South Africa cover a broad spectrum, influenced by the type of school, its location, and the facilities it offers. When considering the best option for your child, it’s important to look beyond the price tag and consider the value of the education and experiences your child will receive. Scholarships, bursaries, and financial aid programs can also help manage the costs, making quality education more accessible to a wider range of families. Remember, investing in your child’s education is a stepping stone to their future success.

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