South African Sign Language Grade 12 Study Guides Free Download

Looking for free South African Sign Language Grade 12 study guides for revision studies? On this page, you will find free pdf study guides for South African Sign Language Grade 12. Study guides are a one-stop resource, providing learners with all they need to pass their Grade 12 exams. Study guides help learners to revise and understand the South African Sign Language subject content, and in this way, learners are more confident to face their exams. View all Grade 12 Study Guides here

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List of South African Sign Language Grade 12 Study Guides Free Download

The purpose of this guideline is to guide you on the aspects of recording and presenting. Also, the guideline aims to produce competent creative signers who use their skills to develop and present appropriate recorded texts for a variety of purposes. Creative recording skills allow you to construct and communicate thoughts and ideas coherently. Frequent creative recording practice across a variety of contexts, tasks and subject will help you to communicate functionally and creatively. Knowledge of language structures and conventions will help you to produce coherent and cohesive texts.

This study guide helps you to prepare for the end-of-year Grade 12 South African Sign Language Home Language (SASL HL) Recording exam. There are three exams for SASL HL:

● Paper 1 – Language in Context

● Paper 2 – Literature

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● Paper 3 – Recording

Paper 3: Recording includes the recording of essays and transactional texts.

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