Hello learners and parents. This page contains a list of all Primary and Secondary Schools which are found in Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal. The list contains Boarding Schools, Boys Schools, Girls Schools, Private Schools, Public Schools, High Schools, Comprehensive Schools, Combined Schools, and Primary Schools.
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[quform id="1" name="Schools Form"]Some of the schools types listed on this page under Dundee location are: Home Schooling and Online Schools. You can find all other schools in South Africa by clicking here.
How to choose a school in South Africa
To find the best schools with a learning environment that suits your child, a parent needs to assess the following key points:
- What you want your child to learn (specific subject matter, level of academic difficulty)
- How your child learns best (particular learning style, challenges)
- Social needs (level of contact with peers)
- Extracurricular activities
Types of Schools around Dundee per category:
- Boarding Schools,
- Boys Schools,
- Girls Schools,
- Private Schools,
- Public Schools,
- High Schools / Secondary Schools,
- Comprehensive Schools,
- Combined Schools, and
- Primary Schools
List of All Best Primary and Secondary Schools in Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal