5 Steps to Follow When Admit A Person To Be Rehabilitated

Outlining the steps that one can follow to admit a person to be rehabilitated in South Africa

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Admission Process for Rehabilitation in South Africa: A Guide with SANCA

Rehabilitation is a vital aspect of addiction recovery in South Africa. It is a process that offers assistance and support to individuals who are struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. One of the leading organisations providing support in this area is the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA). Below, we outline the steps for admitting a person into a rehabilitation programme in South Africa, specifically using SANCA as a reference.

Step 1: Identifying the Need

The first step involves identifying the need for rehabilitation. This may be initiated by the affected person, a family member, friend, or professional. It’s vital to understand the extent of the addiction and how it is affecting the individual’s daily life.

Example: A family in Johannesburg recognises that their son’s addiction to alcohol is affecting his school performance and social relationships.

Step 2: Contacting SANCA

The next step is to contact SANCA or another rehabilitation service provider. SANCA has numerous centres across South Africa, and they are well-equipped to assist those in need.

Example: The family may reach out to the local SANCA centre in their area for support and guidance.

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Step 3: Initial Assessment

An initial assessment is conducted by trained professionals to evaluate the individual’s addiction level and to create a personalised treatment plan.

Example: A therapist at a SANCA centre in Cape Town may carry out an assessment to determine the most suitable treatment for a patient.

Step 4: Selecting the Right Programme

Based on the assessment, the appropriate treatment programme is selected. This could range from outpatient to inpatient care, depending on the severity and specific needs.

Example: A young woman from Pretoria is placed in an inpatient programme due to the severity of her drug addiction.

Step 5: Admission and Treatment

The final step is the actual admission into the rehabilitation facility and the commencement of treatment. This involves a structured routine of therapy, counselling, and medical care designed to help the individual recover.

Example: A man from Durban enters a SANCA facility and begins his tailored rehabilitation programme, consisting of group therapy and medical treatment.


Admitting a person into rehabilitation is a critical process that requires careful consideration and collaboration between family, professionals, and organisations like SANCA. By following the outlined steps, individuals struggling with addiction in South Africa can receive the necessary support and care to overcome their challenges and rebuild their lives. With the availability of services and dedicated professionals, rehabilitation in South Africa is accessible and effective in helping those in need.

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