6 Steps That Sanca Follow To Admit A Person to Be Rehabilitated

Outline The Steps That Sanca Follow To Admit A Person To Be Rehabilitated

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The South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) plays an essential role in the rehabilitation process for individuals struggling with addiction in South Africa. Admitting someone into a rehabilitation programme can be a complex process, and SANCA follows specific steps to ensure that the needs of the individual are met with care and precision.

6 Steps That Sanca Follow To Admit A Person to Be Rehabilitated

  1. Initial Contact and Inquiry: Reaching out to a SANCA centre to inquire about services and express the need for rehabilitation.
  2. Pre-Assessment and Consultation: Conducting an assessment to determine the individual’s specific needs and the nature of the addiction.
  3. Choosing the Appropriate Treatment Plan: Selecting the most suitable treatment plan, such as an outpatient or inpatient programme, based on the pre-assessment.
  4. Financial Arrangements: Understanding and organising the financial aspects of the treatment, including payment options.
  5. Admission and Orientation: Admitting the individual into the rehabilitation facility and providing orientation regarding the facility’s rules and expectations.
  6. Treatment and Support: Commencing the planned treatment, including therapy sessions, counselling, medical care, and support, to help the individual overcome addiction.
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Here’s an outline of the steps followed by SANCA to admit a person to be rehabilitated.

Step 1: Initial Contact and Inquiry

The process usually begins with an initial contact, often by a family member, friend, or the person in need of rehabilitation. This step involves reaching out to a SANCA centre to inquire about services and express the need for assistance.

Example: A mother in Bloemfontein contacts her local SANCA centre concerned about her daughter’s drug addiction.

Step 2: Pre-Assessment and Consultation

Before admission, a pre-assessment is typically conducted to determine the individual’s specific needs and the type of programme that would be most suitable. Consultations with professionals help in understanding the nature and extent of the addiction.

Example: A professional at SANCA conducts an interview with a young man from Port Elizabeth to assess his alcohol addiction.

Step 3: Choosing the Appropriate Treatment Plan

Based on the pre-assessment, the most appropriate treatment plan is identified. This could be an outpatient or inpatient programme, depending on the nature and severity of the addiction.

Example: A teenager in Durban with a mild addiction to prescription medications may be recommended an outpatient programme.

Step 4: Financial Arrangements

Rehabilitation often involves financial considerations. The costs will vary depending on the type of programme and the duration of treatment. SANCA works with individuals and families to understand the cost implications and help with financial arrangements if needed.

Example: A family in Pretoria discusses payment options with SANCA for a 3-month inpatient programme for their son.

Step 5: Admission and Orientation

Once everything is in place, the actual admission into the rehabilitation facility occurs. Orientation is an essential part of this step, where the individual is introduced to the facility, staff, rules, and what to expect during treatment.

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Example: A young woman from Cape Town is admitted to a SANCA facility and receives an orientation about the daily schedule and support available.

Step 6: Treatment and Support

The final step involves undergoing the treatment as planned. This includes therapy sessions, counselling, medical care, and support to help the individual overcome addiction and reintegrate into society.

Example: A man from Polokwane starts his treatment at a SANCA centre, including group therapy sessions and individual counselling.


Admission into a rehabilitation programme through SANCA is a thoughtful and methodical process designed to cater to the unique needs of each individual. The steps range from the initial contact to treatment and support, all aiming to provide the best possible care for those struggling with addiction in South Africa. By adhering to these steps, SANCA ensures that each person receives the appropriate assistance, therapy, and care needed to overcome addiction and move towards a healthier life.

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